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FHIR provides a broad variety of resources types to cover as many different types of healthcare data as possible, favoring generality over specificity. For example, the Observation resource type is used to record many different kinds of data: a patient's smoking status might be recorded using the valueCodeableConcept field, while the measurement data for blood pressure would exist as two separate entries under component.valueQuantity. In order to allow for "subclassing" a more general resource type to meet a particular use case, FHIR uses resource profiles to layer additional validation rules onto the base specification for a resource type.

Profiles are used heavily in FHIR to ensure that resources sent between servers conform to a minimum set of required fields. For example, the US Core Blood Pressure profile requires that component contains two correctly-coded entries: one systolic pressure measurement, and one diastolic measurement. If a resource under this profile contains just one measurement, or uses an incorrect code for either component, it will be rejected by the server. This helps ensure data quality by preventing data that does not match the expected schema from being written.

Profiles can be used both for enforcing an internal schema (i.e. an organization's own data quality rules), or for external consumers (i.e. to validate that data will be acceptable to a third-party FHIR API). In the United States, the US Core profiles specify a minimum set of required data (called USCDI) for interoperating with other US healthcare entities.

Profile adoption

Using a pre-existing profile is simple: placing the canonical URL of the profile in a resource's meta.profile field will cause the server to attempt to validate the resource against that profile when the resource is written. Normally, the Patient resource type has no required fields, but the US Core Patient profile specifies that at least name, gender, and identifier must be populated. Uploading a profiled Patient resource without those fields will produce an error:

"resourceType": "Patient",
"meta": {
"profile": [""]
"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
"issue": [
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"details": { "text": "Missing required property" },
"expression": ["Patient.identifier"]
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"details": { "text": "Missing required property" },
"expression": [""]
"severity": "error",
"code": "structure",
"details": { "text": "Missing required property" },
"expression": ["Patient.gender"]

To satisfy the profile declared in meta.profile, values for the required fields must be included in the resource:

"resourceType": "Patient",
"meta": {
"profile": [""]
"identifier": [
"system": "",
"value": "12345"
"name": [
"given": ["John", "Jacob"],
"family": "Jingleheimer-Schmidt"
"gender": "male"

The corresponding StructureDefinition resource for the profile (i.e. one with a url matching that in meta.profile) must be present in your Project: make sure to upload the resource JSON for any profiles you plan to use.

Handling missing data

Sometimes, a profile requires a field that cannot be populated due to missing data: the system may not have the required data available, or it may be unknown. In these cases, the Data Absent Reason extension should be used to satisfy the field presence requirement, while also denoting why the data is missing:

"resourceType": "Patient",
"meta": {
"profile": [""]
"identifier": [
"system": "",
"value": "12345"
// For fields with complex (object) data types, add the `extension` field where necessary to indicate absent data
"name": [
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "masked"
// For primitive type fields, use the underscore-prefixed field name to add an object with the `extension` field
"_gender": {
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCode": "asked-declined"